Wrist Arthroscopy

Home Wrist Arthroscopy

Wrist fractures are common injuries that can occur due to a variety of reasons, including falls, sports injuries, or accidents. They can range from minor hairline fractures to severe breaks requiring surgery. Here’s a comprehensive overview of wrist fractures:

  1. Types of Wrist Fractures:
    • Colles’ Fracture: A break in the radius bone of the forearm near the wrist.
    • Smith’s Fracture: A reverse Colles’ fracture where the bone breaks towards the palm.
    • Scaphoid Fracture: A fracture of the scaphoid bone, a small bone near the thumb side of the wrist.
    • Barton’s Fracture: A fracture of the radius bone near the wrist joint.
  2. Symptoms:
    • Pain, swelling, and tenderness around the wrist.
    • Difficulty moving the wrist or gripping objects.
    • Bruising or discoloration.
    • Deformity in severe cases.
  3. Diagnosis:
    • Physical examination.
    • X-rays to confirm the presence and extent of the fracture.
    • Sometimes, additional imaging like MRI or CT scans may be needed, especially for scaphoid fractures which can be subtle.
  4. Treatment:
    • Immobilization: Often achieved through splinting or casting to allow the bone to heal properly.
    • Medications: Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories may be prescribed.
    • Physical Therapy: Once the fracture starts to heal, exercises can help restore strength and mobility.
    • Surgery: Sometimes necessary for complex or displaced fractures to realign the bones properly, using pins, screws, or plates.
  5. Complications:
      • Malunion: Improper healing leading to misalignment of bones.
      • Nonunion: Failure of the bones to heal.
      • Arthritis: Development of arthritis in the wrist joint due to damage from the fracture.
      • Nerve or blood vessel damage in severe cases.
        1. Recovery:
          • Recovery time varies depending on the severity of the fracture and the individual’s health.
          • Typically, it takes several weeks to months for a wrist fracture to heal completely.
          • Physical therapy and rehabilitation may extend the recovery period but are crucial for restoring function and strength.
        2. Prevention:
          • Use protective gear during sports activities.
          • Be cautious on slippery surfaces.
          • Avoid risky behaviors that may lead to falls.

    In conclusion, wrist fractures can range from mild to severe and require prompt medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment to ensure optimal recovery and function of the wrist joint. Following medical advice and rehabilitation exercises diligently can significantly improve outcomes and reduce the risk of long-term complications.